Treasures for body and mind

25 January, 2012


Imagine my surprise when I downloaded my camera and this was on it!  Doesn't she look lovely?  A few of my pieces are there too...another surprise... 

I'd never told my daughter about the mysterious loss of my mother's pearl earrings.  When I was two or three years old, my mother's pearl earrings vanished.  My mother looked and looked and looked for her good pearls, to no avail.  She resigned herself to their loss.  Then, about a month later, she picked up my Old Green Rabbit and there they were, stuck in his floppy ears.  Even then, I liked the good stuff and knew you gave it to loved ones. 

But don't all little girls like "the good stuff?"  This photo is more proof that, "All women are from the same tribe."  Does anyone have stories you would like to share or photos of  favorite dolls or stuffed animals decked out in gold and jools? 

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