Treasures for body and mind

20 February, 2012

Mardi Gras

Every year, I give up jewelry for Lent.  I don't wear anything other than my wedding ring and don't buy any either.  Laugh if you like; it's hard!  The few days before Ash Wednesday become a bling-a-thon, a frenzy of style and combination experiments. 
Saturday I asymmetrically hung a gold, sword-shaped toothpick from a hoop earring.  My husband liked it so much he spent most of a Metro ride trying to get a good picture.  It must have looked good for him to notice, much less comment or photograph.  

Sadly, I'm not in New Orleans this week.  Mardi Gras with native NOLA residents is where it's at (shout out to Rachel and David).  Me?  I'll be in DC, preparing for Shrove/Fat Tuesday's church pancake supper, which I will attend dripping in jewels. 

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